Eckart Michaelsen als Wissenschaftler

Ich arbeite beim Fraunhofer IOSB Standort Ettlingen. Von 2014 bis 2018 hatte ich den Vorsitz im IAPR-TC7. Meine wichtigste Publikation ist das Buch über Gestalt Algebra. Ansonsten gibt es hier eine Publikationsliste sortiert nach Jahren. Sie ist allerdings nicht immer ganz aktuell. Man kann einige Arbeiten herunterladen, wenn man nach meinem Namen sucht bei . Wer von den nicht dort abrufbaren Arbeiten etwas haben möchte, wende sich bitte an ; hier kann man nur meine Dissertation ziehen. Inzwischen gibt es auch ein Patent:


E. Michaelsen. On the Depth of Gestalt Hierarchies in Common Imagery. ICPR Workshops and Challanges (IMTA 21), Pt. V 11, pp 30-43, ISBN: 978-3-030-68821-9.


A. Papenfuss, F. Reuschling, J. Jakobi, T. Rambau, E. Michaelsen, N. Scherer-Negenborn. Designing a fusion of visible and infra-red camera streams for remote tower operations. IEEE Aerospace Conference 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-2734-7.

J. Shan, E. Michaelsen, U. Stilla, F. Su. Foreword for the Special Issue on Advances in Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing. IEEE JSTARS, Vol. 13, pp 6164-6165.

E. Michaelsen, N. Scherer-Negenborn. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur initialen Schätzung der Bewegungsparameter eines Bewegungsmodells bei der Verfolgung eines bewegten Objektes mit projizierenden Messungen. Patent, DE 102018211881 A1: 20180717.


E. MichaelsenS. Vujasinovic. Estimating Efforts and Success of Symmetry-Seeing Machine by Use of Synthetic Data. Symmetry, Vol. 11, No.2.

E. Michaelsen, J. Meidow. Design of orientation assessment functions for gestalt-grouping utilizing labeled sample-data. ISPRS-: PIA 2019+MRSS 2019, ISPRS Archives XLII-2/W16, pp. 169-173.

E. Michaelsen, J. Meidow. Hierarchical Perceptual Grouping for Object Recognition. Springer, Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, ISBN 978-3-030-04040-6.


E. Michaelsen. On the Automation of Gestalt Perception in Remotely Sensed Data. Computer Optics 42, 2018, pp 1008-1014.

E. Michaelsen. Foreword to the Special Issue on Advances in Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing. IEEE-JSTARS 11 (11), 2018, pp 3925-3926.

E. Michaelsen, U. Soergel. Reconstructing Lattices from permanent Scatterers on Facades. IAPR-Workshop PRRS-10-2018, Beijing, Aug. 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-8479-5.


E. Michaelsen, G. Schwan, N. Scherer-Negenborn. Designing observer trials for image fusion experiments with Latin Squares. SPIE Symposium on Defense + Commercial Sensing, Anaheim, Cal., Apr. 2017,

E. Michaelsen, M. Arens. Hierarchical Grouping Using Gestalt Assessment. IEEE-ICCV, Workshops, Venice, Italy, Oct. 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-1035-0.

E. Michaelsen, M. Arens. Hierarchical Grouping - the Gestalt Assessment Method. IEEE-ICCV, Workshops, Venice, Italy, Oct. 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-1035-0.

J. Sidorenko, N. Scherer-Negenborn, M. Arens, E. Michaelsen. Improved Linear Direct Solution for Asynchronous Radio Network Localization (RNL), Paciviv PNT Meeting, Honolulu Hawaii pp. 376-382.


E. Michaelsen, D. Münch, M. Arens. Searching Remotely Sensed Images for Meaningful Nested Gestalten. XXIII ISPRS Congress 2016. Commission III, Praque, 2016, pp. 899-903.

E. Michaelsen. Self-organizing maps and Gestalt organization as components of an advanced system for remotely sensed data: An example with thermal hyper-spectra. Pattern recognition letters 83 (2016), Pt.2, pp.169-177.

J. Sidorenko, N. Scherer-Negenborn, M. Arens, E. Michaelsen. Multilateration of the Local Position Measurement. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2016 : 4-7 October 2016, Madrid, Spain.

Q. Du, E. Michaelsen, B. Zhang, J. Chanussot. Special Issue on Advances in Pattern recognition in Remote Sensing. Pattern recognition letters 83 (2016), Pt.2, pp.113-114.


S. Thome, E. Michaelsen, N. Scherer-Negenborn, K. Jäger, L. Doktorski. Fusion of Trackers on Thermal Image Sequences. 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, Fusion 2015 : July 6-9, 2015, Washington D.C., USA, pp. 1603-1608.

E. Michaelsen, R. Gabler, N. Scherer-Negenborn. Towards Understanding Urban Patterns and Structures. PIA & HRIGI joint ISPRS Conferences, Munich, March 2015, Archives of ISPRS,


E. Michaelsen, Vera V. Yashina. Simple Gestalt Algebra. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 2014, Vol. 24 , No. 4, pp. 542-551.

E. Michaelsen. Searching for Rotational Symmetries Based on the Gestalt Algebra. 9-th Open German-Russian Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding, Koblenz, December 2014.

E. Michaelsen. Intermediate Grouping on Remotely Sensed Data Using Gestalt Algebra. SPIE Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, September 2014.

E. Michaelsen. Self-organizing maps for Fusion of Thermal Hyperspectral- with High-resolution VIS-Data. PRRS workshop of IAPR-TC7, Stockholm August 2014, available at IEEE-Xplore.

E. Michaelsen. Gestalt Algebra - a Proposal for the Formalization of Gestalt Perception and Rendering. Symmetry, Vol. 6, No.3,  pp. 566-577.

E. Michaelsen, J. Meidow. Stochastic Reasoning for Structural Pattern Recognition: An Example from Image-based UAV Navigation. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 2732-2744.

L. Doktorski, E. Michaelsen, E. Repasi. A Single Performance Characteristic for the Evaluation of Seeker Tracking Algorithms. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 2014, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 218-225.


E. Michaelsen, Vera V. Yashina. Simple Gestalt Algebra. In I. Gurevich: IIMTA 2013, 4th International Workshop on Image Mining, Theory and Applications. Proceedings, Barcelona, Februar 2013, pp. 38-47.

L. Doktorski, E. Michaelsen, E. Repasi. A Single Performance Characteristic for the Evaluation of Seeker Tracking Algorithms. In I. Gurevich: IIMTA 2013, 4th International Workshop on Image Mining, Theory and Applications. Proceedings, Barcelona, Februar 2013, pp. 3-13.

E. Michaelsen, D. Muench, U. Arens. Recognition of Symmetry Structure by Use of Gestalt Algebra. Accepted for the CVPR-2013 Workshop Symmetry from Real World Images, a Competition. Portland, Oregon, Juni 2013.


E. Michaelsen, K. Jaeger, D. Roschkowski, L. Doktorski, M. Arens. On the Semantics of Object-Oriented Landmark Recognition. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 22 (2012), 1, pp. 44-53.

E. Michaelsen, L. Doktorski, K. Lütjen. An accumulating interpreter for cognitive vision production systems. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 22 (2012), 3, pp. 464-469.

E. Michaelsen, D. Iwaszczuk, B. Sirmacek, L. Hoegner, U. Stilla. Gestalt grouping on façade textures from IR image sequences: Comparing different production systems. Proceedings of XXII International Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing Congress 2012 (ISPRS Archives XXXIX-B3, 2012) pp.303-308.

D. Münch, E. Michaelsen, M. Arens. Supporting fuzzy metric temporal logic based situation recognition by mean shift clustering. In: B. Glimm (ed.) KI 2012. Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 35th Annual German Conference on Al : September 24-27, 2012, Saarbrücken, Germany. Springer, Berlin, 2012 (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 7526) pp.233-236.

E. Michaelsen: Knowledge-based recognition of man-made landmarks in a simulated control cycle using a virtual-globe system NATO Symposium on Navigation Sensors and System in GNSS denied Environments 2012. Proceedings : 8.10.-9.10.2012, Izmir, Türkei, STO-MP-SET 168, Izmir, 2012, pp.17/1-17/10.

                       E. Michaelsen, N. Scherer-Negenborn: Estimating the Precision of Under-Water Video-Mosaics. 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition                       (ICPR 2012), November 11-15, 2012. Tsukuba, Japan, 978-4-9906441-1-6 ©2012 IAPR, pp. 775-779.

                       E. Michaelsen: Perceptual Grouping of Row-gestalts in Aerial NIR Images of Urban Terrain. Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing 2012                         (PRRS-7-2012), November 11, 2012. Tsukuba, Japan, Workshop Proceedings, to appear in IEEE-Xplore.


E. Michaelsen, L. Doktorski, K. Lütjen. An Accumulating Interpreter for Cognitive Vision Production Systems. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 21 (2011), 3, pp.. 410-414

T. Sartor, N. Scherer-Negenborn, E. Michaelsen, K. Jäger. Assessment Procedure with Specific ROC Curves for Comparison of Fusion Engines. FUSION 2011. Proceedings at IEEE XPlore.

A. Schunert, E. Michaelsen, J. D. Wegner, U. Sörgel. Erkennung von Gebäudestrukturen anhand von Mustern punktförmiger Reflektoren in SAR-Bildern. GeoMonitoring 2011: Ein Paradigmenwechsel zur Beherrschung von Georisiken: 3.-4. März 2011, Clausthal-Zellerfeld (2011), S. 91-99

E. Michaelsen, A. Schunert, U. Sörgel. Utilizing Phase for the Grouping of PS in Urban High-Resolution in-SAR-Images. Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE) <2011, Munich, pp. 189-192.

E. Michaelsen, N. Scherer-Negenborn. Grouping and Establishing Correspondence of Calibration Holes for Underwater Machine Vision. 8th Open German-Russian Workshop: Pattern Recongnition and Image Understanding (OGRW-8-2011): 21.-26.11.2011, Nizhny Novgorod, The Russian Federation (2011), 4. S.

E. Michaelsen, K. Jäger, D. Roschkowski, L. Doktorski, M. Arens. Object-Oriented Landmark Recognition for UAV-Navigation. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 21 (2011), 2, pp.152-155

E. Michaelsen. Stitching Large Maps from Videos Taken by a Camera Moving close over a Plane Using Homography Decomposition. ISPRS Conference( CD), PIA 2011: 05.10. - 07.10.2011, München : CD Vol.: XXXVIII, Part 3/ W22 (2011), 5 S.


E. Michaelsen, U. Stilla, U. Soergel, L. Doktorski. Extraction of building polygons from SAR images: Grouping and decision-level in the GESTALT system. Pattern Recognition Letters, 31 (2010), No.10, pp.1071-1076

E. Michaelsen, U. Soergel, A. Schunert, L. Doktorski, K. Jaeger. Perceptual Grouping for Building Recognition from satellite SAR Image Stacks. In: Proceedings of PRRS Workshop, Istanbul, 2010, DOI: 10.1109/PRRS.2010.5742807.

E. Michaelsen, L. Doktorski, K. Luetjen. An accumulating interpreter for cognitive vision production systems. Russian Academy of Sciences:10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies, PRIA 2010 : 05.12.2010-12.12.2010, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 2010, 4 pp.

E. Michaelsen, D. Roschkowski, L. Doktorski, K. Jaeger, M. Arens. Object-oriented landmark recognition for UAV-navigation. Russian Academy of Sciences: 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies, PRIA 2010 : 05.12.2010-12.12.2010, St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, 2010, 4 pp.

E. Michaelsen. On the construction of gestalt-algebra instances and a measure for their similarity. Gurevich, I.(ed.): IMTA 2010, Third International Workshop on Image Mining Theory and Applications. Proceedings : Angers, France; May 2010, Porto: INSTICC Press, 2010, ISBN: 978-989-674-030-6, pp.51-59


E. Michaelsen, J. Meidow: Basic Definitions and Operations for Gestalt Algebra.  I. Gurevich, H. Niemann, O. Salvetti (eds.) Image Mining Theory and Applications. Instic Press, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-8111-42-5, pp 53-62.

E. Michaelsen, L. Doktorski, M. Arens: Making Structural Pattern Recognition Tractable by Local Inhibition. VISAPP 2009, Proceedings on CD, Instic, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-8111-69-2,  Vol 1, pp 381-384.

U. Soergel, E. Michaelsen, A. Thiele, E. Cadario, U. Thoennessen: Stereo Analysis of High-resolution SAR Images for Building Height Estimation in Cases of Orthogonal Aspect Directions. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 64, No. 5, Sep. 2009, pp. 490-500.

E. Michaelsen, K. Jaeger: A GOOGLE-Earth Based Test Bed for Structural Image-based UAV Navigation. FUSION 2009 in Seattle, Proc. on CD, IEEE-ISIF, ISBN: 978-0-9824438-0-4, pp. 340-346.

E. Michaelsen, M. Arens, L. Doktorski: Interaction of Control and Knowledge in a Structural Recognition System. In: B. Mertsching, M. Hund, Z. Aziz (eds.) KI 2009, LNAI 5803, Springer, Berlin, pp. 73-90.


E. Michaelsen, M. Arens, L. Doktorski: Elements of a Gestalt Algebra: Steps Towards Understanding Images and Scenes. In: I. Gurevich, H. Niemann, O. Salvetti (eds.): IMTA 2008, INSTICC press, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, ISBN 978-898-8111-25-8, pp. 65-73.

E. Michaelsen, A. Thiele, E. Cadario, and U. Soergel: Building Extraction Based on Stereo Analysis of High-Resolution SAR Images Taken from Orthogonal Aspect Directions. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., ISSN 1054-6618, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 231-235.

E. Michaelsen, K. Jaeger: Evidence Fusion Using the GESTALT-System. (FUSION 2008) Proc. on CD, IEEE Catalog Number CFP08FUS-CDR, pp 1147-1153.

E. Michaelsen, L. Doktorski, M. Arens: Shortcuts in Production Systems - A way to include clustering in structural Pattern Recognition. (PRIA-9 2008 Proceedings), Lobachevsky State University, ISBN 978-5-902390-14-5, Nischnij Nowgorod , Vol ..2, pp 30-38

E. Michaelsen, U. Stilla , U. Soergel, L. Doktorski: Extraction of Building Polygons from SAR Images: Grouping and Decision-Level in the GESTALT System. Proceedings of PRRS 2008 Workshop/ICPR 2008 in Tampa Florida on CD


Michaelsen E, Doktorski L, Soergel U, Stilla U: Perceptual Grouping for Building Recognition in High-resolution SAR Images Using the GESTALT-System. URBAN 2007 in Paris, proceedings on CD.

Michaelsen E, Arens M, Doktorski L, Ding P, Stilla U: Meaning and Efficiency in the GESTALT-System. VISAPP 2007 in Barcelona, proceedings on CD.

Michaelsen E, Thiele A, Cadario E, Soergel U: Building Extraction Based on Stereo Analysis of Orthogonal View High-resolution SAR Data. OGRW-7-2007 in Ettlingen, proceedings on CD.


Michaelsen E, Soergel U, Thoennessen U: Perceptual Grouping in Automatic Detection of Man-Made Structure in high resolution SAR data. Pattern Recognition Letters Volume 27, Issue 4, March 2006, Pages 218-225.


Michaelsen E, Kirchhof M, vonHansen W, Stilla U: Classification of local structures in thermal aerial videos for vehicle recognition. URBAN 2005

Soergel U, Michaelsen E, Thoennessen U, Stilla U: Potential of high-resolution SAR images for urban analysis. URBAN 2005

Michaelsen, E., Soergel, U., Thoennessen U.: Potential of Building Extraction from Multi-aspect High-resolution Amplitude SAR Data. In: Rottensteiner, F., Stilla, U. (eds):  Joint Workshop of ISPRS and the German Association for Pattern Recognition "Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation", Wien, International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and the Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXVI Part 3/W24.

Kirchhof, M., Michaelsen, E., Jaeger, K.: Motion Detection by Classification of Local Structures in Airborne Thermal Videos. In: Rottensteiner, F., Stilla, U. (eds):  Joint Workshop of ISPRS and the German Association for Pattern Recognition "Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation", Wien, International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and the Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXVI Part 3/W24.

Michaelsen E, Middelmann W, Soergel U, Thoennessen U: On the Improvement of Structural Detection of Building Features in High-Resolution SAR Data by Edge Preserving Image Enhancement. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, vol. 15, no. 3, MAIK, Nauka/Interperiodica, Moskau, 1-4.


Michaelsen E: Perceptual Grouping Using Gestalt Laws: Coding as Production System, Running with Data-Driven Control. In: Ilg UJ, Bülthoff H, Mallot A (eds) Dynamic Perception, Workshop der GI-Sektion Computer Vision, 163-168, Berlin: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka

Michaelsen E, Kirchhof M, Stilla U: Sensor Pose Inference from Airborne Videos by Decomposing Homography Estimates. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. 35, Part B3, 1-6

Michaelsen E, Middelmann W, Soergel U, Thoennessen U: On the Improvement of Structural Detection of Building Features in High-Resolution SAR Data by Edge Preserving Image Enhancement. Yu. I. Zhuralev et al. (eds.): Proceedings of PRIA-7-2004 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 795-798

Michaelsen E, Soergel U, Thoennessen U: Perceptual Grouping in Automatic Detection of Man-Made Structure in high resolution SAR data. 3rd International workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing (PRRS 04)

Michaelsen E, Stilla U: Pose estimation from airborne video sequences using a structural approach for the construction of homographies and fundamental matrices. In: Fred A, Caelli T, Duin RPW, Campilho A, Ridder Dde (eds) Structural, syntactic, and statistical pattern recognition: S+SSPR 2004, LNCS 3138, Berlin: Springer, 486-494

Stilla U, Michaelsen E, Soergel U, Hinz S, Ender HJ: Airborne monitoring of vehicle activity in urban areas. In: Altan MO (ed) International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol 35, Part B3, 973-979


Michaelsen E, Stilla U: Estimation of vehicle movement in urban areas from thermal video sequences. 2nd GRSS/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and data fusion on urban areas, URBAN 2003. IEEE, 105-109 (ISBN 0-7803-7719-2)

Michaelsen E, Stilla U: Good sample consensus estimation of 2d-homographies for vehicle movment detection from thermal videos. In: Ebner H, Heipke C, Mayer H, Pakzad K (eds) Photogrammetric Image Analysis PIA'03. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. 34, Part 3/W8, 125-130

Stilla U, Michaelsen E: Detektion von Fahrzeugen in Videosequenzen von luftgetragen thermischen Kameras. Östereichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung und Geoinformation VGI, 90(3+4):79-86

Stilla U, Michaelsen E, Soergel U: Perceptual grouping of regular structures for automatic detection of man-made objects - Examples from IR and SAR. IGARSS



Michaelsen E, Soergel U, Stilla U: Grouping salient scatterers in InSAR data for recognition of industrial buildings. In: Kasturi R, Laurendeau D, Sun C (eds) 16th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recogn., ICPR 2002, Vol II, 613-616

Michaelsen E, Wankmueller U, Stilla U: Comparing stereo 3-d with view-based vehicle recognition. In: Greiner G, Niemann H, Ertl T, Girod B, Seidel HP (eds) Vision, modeling, and visualization, VMV2002. Berlin:Infix, 347-354

Stilla U, Michaelsen E: Estimating vehicle activity using thermal image sequences and maps.  In: Symposium on geospatial theory, processing and applications. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Michaelsen E, Stilla U: Probabilistic decisions in production nets: An example from vehicle recognition. In: Caelli T, Amin A, Duin RPW, Kamel M, Ridder Dde (eds) Structural, syntactic, and statistical pattern recognition: Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2000 and SPR 2000, LNCS 2396, Berlin:Springer, 225-233


Michaelsen E, Ahlrichs U, Stilla U, Paulus D, Niemann H: Where is the hole punch? Object localization capabilities on a specific bureau task. In: Radig B, Florczyk S (eds) Pattern Recognition, 23rd DAGM Symposium, Berlin: Springer, 337-344

Michaelsen E, Stilla U: Estimating urban activity on high-resolution thermal image sequences aided by large scale vector maps. In: IEEE/ISPRS Joint workshop on remote sensing and data fusion over urban areas, Urban 2001. IEEE, ISBN 0-7803-7059-7, 25-29

Stilla U, Sörgel U, Thönnessen U, Michaelsen E: Segmentation of LIDAR and INSAR elevation data for building reconstruction.In: Gruen A, Baltsavias EP, vanGool L (eds) Automatic extraction of man-made objects from aerial and space images (III),Lisse: Balkema 297-307


Michaelsen E, Stilla U: Problems in geometric modelling and perceptual grouping of man-made objects in aerial images. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. 33, Part B3, 577-583

Michaelsen E, Stilla U: Assessing the computational effort for structural 3D vehicle recognition. In: Ferri FJ, Inesta JM, Amin A, Pudil P (eds) Advances in Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2000 and SPR 2000. Berlin: Springer, 357-366

Michaelsen E, Stilla U: Ansichtenbasierte Erkennung von Fahrzeugen. In: Sommer G, Krüger N, Perwass C (eds) Mustererkennung 2000, Berlin:Springer, 245-252

Michaelsen E, Stilla U, Lütjen K: Which mathematical Foundations support model based vehicle recognition. In: (eds) Pattern recognition and image analysis: Representation, processing, analysis and understanding of images. Vol. 2, 434-437


Michaelsen E, Lütjen K, Stilla U: Associative access and special hardware for production nets. In: Radig B, Niemann H, Zhuravlev Y, Gourevitch I, Laptev I (eds) Pattern recognition and image understanding. Sankt Augustin: Infix, 290- 297

Michaelsen E, Lütjen K, Stilla U: Associative access and special hardware for production nets. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 9(4):662-666


Stilla U, Michaelsen E, Jurkiewicz K: Structural analysis of right-angled building contours. In: Schenk T, Habib A (eds) Object recognition and scene classification from multi-spectral amd multi-sensor pixels. Intern. Arch. of Photogr. and Rem. Sens., Vol. 32, Part 3/1, 379-386

Michaelsen E: Über Koordinaten Grammatiken zur Bildverarbeitung und Szenenanalyse.  Erlangen: Universität Erl.-Nürnb., technische Fakultät, Diss
deutsche Übersicht english abstract als PDF (2,6MB)

Michaelsen E, Stilla U: Remarks on the notation of coordinate grammars. SSPR 98

Michaelsen E, Lütjen K, Stilla U: Associative Access and special hardware. Proceedings of GRWS 98, Herrsching.

Michaelsen E, Wankmüller U, Stilla U: Wissenserwerb für Produktionsnetze zur 3D-Erkennung von Fahrzeugen. In: Levi P (eds) Mustererkennung 1998, DAGM, Springer, Berlin



Stilla U, Michaelsen E: Semantic modelling of man-made objects by production nets. In: Gruen A, Baltsavias EP, Henricsson O (eds) Automatic extraction of man-made objects from aerial and space images (II). 43-52. Birkhäuser, Basel.


Michaelsen E: 3D Coordinate Grammars. In: Girod B, Niemann H, Seidel H-P (eds) 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis'96. Sankt Augustin, Infix

Stilla U, Michaelsen E, Lütjen K: Automatic extraction of buildings from aerial images. In: Leberl F, Kalliany R, Gruber M (eds) Methods for extracting and mapping buildings, roads and other man-made structures from images. IAPR TC-7 Workshop, München: Oldenburg


Stilla U, Michaelsen E, Lütjen K: Structural 3D-analysis of aerial images with a blackboard-based production system. In: Grün A, Kübler O, Agouris P (eds) Automatic extraction of man-made objects from aerial and space images. 53-62.


Füger H, Lütjen K, Michaelsen E, Schwan G: Strukturorientierte 3D-Szenenanalyse in Bildfolgen. In: Grosskopf R (eds) Mustererkennung 1990, DAGM, : Springer, Berlin.